martes, 10 de octubre de 2017


It’s time to move on to the History. It started with the invention of the writing. The first period in the History was Ancient Age and Egyptians were one of the first civilizations in this period of time. You are going to read different information about Egypt and then you will create a Power Point presentation about what you have learned. You only have to include pictures and titles but don't forget to include ten seconds of speaking in each slide with information about it.

You can find here the information about Egypt:


2 comentarios:

  1. Hi Luis,
    You show a lot of interesting information in this post. In my opinion with this kind of activities our students encourage them to learn English in different ways.
    I also like that you provide plenty of information and they and they have to select the most important information to make a porwer point.
    Thank you very much for your post!


  2. Hello Luis!

    I really like your blog, I think you have created an interesting platform to learn in an integrated way both History content and English language, just like proposes CLIL methodology.

    Regarding to this particular activity, I think you are right when you present a research task in which students not only have to read an analyse information (from a confident website previously selected by you as a teacher) but also they have to present their learning in a visual way and with the support of spoken comments.

    All of this, in addition, using ICT not only as a motivating context but –which is most important– as a learning tool.

    Congratulations on your work!
